Lord, all my desire is before You, and my sighing is not hidden from You.

We cannot hide anything from God. We cannot run away from Him. Every desire, hope and dream is known to Him.  Every frustration, pain and sorrow is also known. Our sin is known to Him. Yet, with everything He knows about us He still loves us. He knows we’re going to fall. He is ready to pick us up. He knows we want to give up. He gives us strength to go on. He knows we need a Savior to carry our sins away.  He provided His own Son to secure our salvation. He knows the enemy continues to prey. He provided His Holy Spirit to live in us to help fight the battle. We can’t hide anything. We are an open book to God. He promises to be with us as we turn each page. Praying this day we give everything including our sighs to our God who knows all things.

Categories: Inspirational