Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.

So many times we begin projects without thought. We feel if we are busy we are successful. We often do not spend time with God praying for direction and guidance. We’ve convinced ourselves we’re doing good so it must be our “calling.”  Sometimes it turns out not to be our “calling” at all and we’ve missed the very opportunity we were supposed to have taken. God has a plan for all aspects of our lives. He has provided the gifts and strength to accomplish His purpose in our lives.  There’s a reason we are here this very moment in time and place. His purpose often becomes sidetracked by our well intended purposes. To get redirected and reestablished in His purpose we need to spend time with Him. He will guide us back into His plan. Commitment on our part is the beginning. Our commitment to His plan always guarantees success.  Praying this day we commit our thoughts and actions to Him.

Categories: Inspirational