We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

Capturing our thoughts is no easy task. There is so much going on around us it’s hard to think much less focus. It is a constant battle of mind over matter. So many things vie for our attention. We’ve become so accustomed to noise, chatter and activity we don’t know how to respond to quiet moments.   I believe this is a ploy of the enemy. He keeps us so distracted we find it hard to hear God’s voice. We get so caught up in situations and issues we feel forced to handle things on our own. We so need to stop and listen to God’s Holy Spirit that dwells in us so that we can focus on His guidance. With His help we can remove ourselves from the hustle and bustle of the meaningless. Do you remember those moments in quiet prayer with God? Those moments when you rested in His presence? We can recapture those precious times. We can recapture our thoughts and focus on His love, mercy and grace. Reconnecting and restoring are His gifts to us. Praying this day we spend quiet time with Jesus.

Categories: Inspirational