A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from all of them.

We are going to have troubles. Even the righteous and good have things that are distressing.  As believers we know we do not face trouble alone. In the heat of our battles Christ is with us. His Holy Spirit strengthens us. We are upheld. Every great man and woman in the Bible faced trouble. David faced a giant. Esther faced the gallows. Lazarus died. Jonah was swallowed up by a great fish. Sarah didn’t think she could conceive. Ruth became a widow early.  But the Lord delivered each of them. His hand upheld them. That same hand upholds us. Yes, we have troubles. Oh, but we also have the promise of deliverance. God’s word is sure. He never breaks a promise. His ways are not our ways. Deliverance may not come as we imagined, but it’s what we need. God’s will is perfect. Praying this day we thank Him for deliverance from our time of trouble.

Categories: Inspirational