"I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint."

I’m certain each of us understand weariness. We have had to endure so many changes to our everyday life. We long for the “normal.” The realization that “normal” will never look the same weighs heavy on our hearts and minds. As believers we can rest in the assurance God does not change. His normal remains. He has and will always love us unconditionally. He has and will always hear our cries. He has been and always will guide us if we allow Him. He desires to satisfy us, the faint, with His peace and rest. He has our names etched in the palm of His hand. His word reminds us He not only is our refuge,  fortress and protector, but He sings over us as we sleep. We need His rest in this day of confusion and turmoil. He is so ready to calm us, hold us and comfort us. What a wonderful Heavenly Father  we have. Praying this day we rest in His arms allowing Him to satisfy our tired souls.

Categories: Inspirational