Trust in Him at all times. O, people, pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge.

Two words in this verse stand out to me–“pour out.”  We don’t have to come to God with bits and pieces, but can come to Him pouring out all our situations and problems. He is able to handle anything and everything we bring. We don’t have to separate our most difficult from the least difficult, but can bring it all. We can trust Him with every bit of it. He knows what we face. He has answers and solutions before we even had an issue. We often choose what we need to take care of and what we need Him to take care of for us. Wouldn’t it be easier if we just poured out all of it to Him? He so wants us to “pour out our hearts” to Him. He is a refuge. Praying this day we have the courage to place all things, situations and our hearts in His gentle hands.

Categories: Inspirational