He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds.

God knows the pain of a broken heart. Those He loves reject Him daily. He knows hurt. Emotional wounds and physical wounds. When He walked among His followers they fled and left Him alone. He was tortured to death. His body ripped, shredded and pierced. There is absolutely nothing we’ve gone through that He doesn’t know how it feels. He knows. He wants us to know, without a doubt, He is here for us in those hurting times. His love is a sweet balm of healing and soothing. He understands and so wants to comfort us. He knows we are on the verge of collapsing. He knows our needs. He wants to hold us in His arms. He wants to reassure us He loves us, unconditionally. He wants to remind us we will never face anything alone. He heals broken hearts. He binds up wounds. He is ready to do so for each of us. Praying this day we give Him our broken, wounded hearts and spirits.

Categories: Inspirational