Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? This is He who came by water and blood--Jesus Christ

Our world seems to be spinning out of control. We feel backed in a corner by things and events we can’t control. We feel helpless and vulnerable. We feel overcome by fear and uncertainty. But hear God’s words–“fear not for I am with you. I do not change. I have overcome the world.”  Not only is there hope in His declarations, but there is truth and certainty. God has His children in the palm of His hand. We need not fear or worry. We can believe in Christ and His power in our lives. We belong to a higher kingdom than the world. Our trust is in the One who created the world and His ability to overcome the one who has created chaos and confusion. Through His Holy Spirit He provides overcomer power to believers. Praying this day we keep our eyes on Jesus and not the world.

Categories: Inspirational