Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me.

A new year seems to always bring a desire to change.  Habits and diets usually top our lists. Wouldn’t it be wonderful though if we desired  to renew our spirit and heart? Wouldn’t it be refreshing to desire a fresh walk with God. Our hearts could be cleaned from prejudice, fear and hate and be filled with understanding, compassion and love. Our spirit could welcome His Holy Spirit to dwell within us. When we choose to walk with God and allow Him to change our hearts we can begin to see our fellow man through His eyes. His eyes do not see political or social differences. His eyes see the hearts and souls of man not skin color or social preferences. His eyes see love and hate, good and bad. He desires love and good to overcome bad and hate. His eyes see our struggles and wants to guide our footsteps. He so wants to clean our hearts and renew our spirits. Praying this day we prepare our hearts and spirits for His touch as our loyalty returns to Him.

Categories: Inspirational