That the God of our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.

Wisdom and revelation is so needed in our time. Our world is full of facts and statistics, but not much wisdom. We’re bombarded by information, but revelation is scarce. We accept things at face value many times without seeking God’s truth.  We delve in “self-help” books hoping to find out how we can change. We ignore the One who knows us better than we know ourselves. We dismiss the One who knows our entire story, beginning to end, and think we can rewrite it. No matter what we do He already knew we would do exactly what we’ve done. We can’t change on our own but He, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, can change us for the better. We need His help which is so much more effective than our own attempts of self-help. Jesus was born to give us an opportunity to change. To change from sinner to saved. To change from fearful to fearless, from lost to discovered and from victims to overcomers. That’s the wisdom and revelation we are to grasp. It’s His gift. This is the season of gifts. Praying this day we accept the wonderful gift of God’s guidance in our lives.

Categories: Inspirational