For He who is mighty has done great things for me, and Holy is His name.

This verse is one from Mary’s prayer after the angel Gabriel told her she would give birth to the Savior of mankind.  This should be part of our prayers, too. God has done great things for us. We are blessed. The Holy God of heaven hears and answers our prayers. We awoke this day, many did not. We have food to eat today, many do not. We have a home to protect us, many do not. We have many freedoms, many have none. We have God’s Holy Word, the Bible, to read as we please. Many have been executed for having a copy in their home. Despite the downfalls in our country we remain a blessed nation. Despite a pandemic we retain hope. For God who is Mighty has done great things for us. He is Holy. He chose a poor peasant girl to deliver the Messiah to a poor, hurting, sinful world. Praying this day we see that great thing for us and know God is Holy.

Categories: Inspirational