My little children, let us not love in word or tongue, but in deed and in truth.

It’s so easy to say we love isn’t it? We love pizza. We love that song. We love that dress. We love that car. We love that movie. We love our neighbor.  We love you.  John is challenging us to put action to our words.  Love is a noun and a verb. It’s more powerful as a verb. When love is a verb it becomes action. It becomes caring in action. Love feeds the hungry. Love visits the lonely. Love encourages the hopeless. Love puts shoes on the feet of children. Love drills wells in countries where clean water is a luxury.  Love fights for the unborn and forgotten. Love reaches out to help the addict. Love provides a home for the orphan. It provides coats for the homeless. Love is action. Love is carrying a cross up a hill, stretching out arms and dying for mankind. Yes, love is action. Praying this day we not only talk about love but may we put our love into action.

Categories: Inspirational