And the Lord spoke to me, saying, "You have skirted this mountain long enough; turn northward."

Like the Israelites many times we choose to follow our stubborn ways. We keep attacking a situation the same way over and over again hoping something will change. Our mountains don’t move. We keep circling it hoping for a different outcome. God always has a better way. He knows our abilities. Are you circling a mountain today? The same one you faced yesterday? Today God is telling us, “enough is enough. It’s time to move on.”  We rarely get anywhere on our own. God has a better way. He has a plan that He has perfected for us. Our rebellious nature impedes our progress. Aren’t you tired of going in circles? Isn’t it time to move on? We’ve skirted the mountain long enough. Praying this day we allow God to lead us away from the mountain and into His land of promise and favor.

Categories: Inspirational


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