"Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many."

The ultimate gift is service to others even if it should cost one’s life. Veterans have been doing this for generations.  They have exemplified the life of Christ on foreign lands and on American soil. Their sacrifices were and are borne by their families. Our freedoms were and are purchased by men and women who knew and know the greatest act of love is to be willing to lay down their lives. We enjoy freedom because of their service. Our spiritual freedom came at a price, too. The ransom was paid by Jesus. Knowing the cost He freely chose Calvary over His own life. He broke the chains of sin’s bondage. He fought our battle. He purchased our victory. The enemy has been defeated. We are free. No truer statement has been voiced than “Freedom is not free.”  Freedom costs. Heavy costs and sacrifices are paid. Praying this day we thank our veterans and our God for freedom of flesh and soul.

Categories: Inspirational


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