How kind the Lord is! How good He is! So merciful this God of ours.

We need to take a moment to stop and thank God for His mercy.  I’m sure there are so many times He shakes His head in disbelief of the situations I’ve gotten myself into. Yet, He goes with me. He welcomes me back into His guidance and forgives. He is kind. He is good. He loves us in spite of ourselves.  We so often get sidetracked and overwhelmed with life we often try to handle everything on our own. The simple truth is we don’t have to. He wants to help us in every situation. He knows the way, where the pitfalls are and how to avoid the enemy. He is faithful. He never leaves our side. He is with us always, even those times we go in stubbornness alone. He is standing by to pick up our broken pieces. He is there to hold us once again in His loving, forgiving and merciful arms. Praying this day we thank God for His kindness, goodness and mercy.

Categories: Inspirational


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