And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper that He may abide with you forever.

Forever! What a promise! We never have to face anything alone. The Holy Spirit is our Helper. He cares for us. He is the Living God dwelling in us. Jesus asked the Father for this for us. What a gift! God loved us so much He gave us His Son. His Son loved us so much He prayed for God’s Holy Spirit to come to us. Holy Spirit loves us so much He will never leave us. Love abounds and surrounds. We are loved. Jesus walked the earth. He knew we would have difficult times and circumstances. He did not want us to face them alone. He knew we needed God’s help. He knew God heard His prayers. He prayed for us before we began our earthly walk. God answered His prayer. We have His Helper to guide us. Praying this day we are thankful for the heavenly companionship that upholds us moment by moment.

Categories: Inspirational


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