Precious Lord, take my hand. Lead me on, help me stand; I am tired, I am weak, I am worn. Thru the storm, thru the night, lead me on to the light, take my hand Precious Lord, lead me home.

In this day and time I think all of us have been tired, weak and worn. Our strength is depleted.  We want to take the next step but it’s so hard. We’re overcome by the news of the day. Politics,  unrest, injustice, covid and fear weigh us down.  Things have changed. We have changed. There is One who has not changed. Through it all, through all that has come about and through all yet to come He won’t  change. Our God does not change. He will not change. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. His Light does not dim. His love does not fade. His hands are outstretched to lead us to His Light. Praying this day we take the hand of our Precious Lord.


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