Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.

Endures forever–God’s mercy is ours for eternity. Because of His mercy our eternity with Him has been purchased with the blood saving grace of His Son.  God is good. He withheld our punishment and placed it on the cross bearing shoulders of Christ. Not because we are good, not because we are deserving or because of our deeds, but solely because of His love for us. He has called us to be His own. He does not wait until we are good or perfect. He calls us in our sin to be His children.  He knows we need a Savior and He has offered us One that saves. The only One that can cleanse us for God.  Jesus, the only One that blots out our sins and declares us righteous before our Heavenly Father.  Give thanks to the Lord. He is worthy to be praised. Praying this day we understand His goodness and mercy and thank Him.

Categories: Inspirational


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