For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

Jesus left the glory of heaven and stepped into a sin filled world. He came knowing we needed a Savior. He came knowing how much God loved us. He came knowing the cost. He came with one purpose–to save us. If He refused to come all would be lost forever. No one would see the Father. No one would realize the depth of His love. But He came. He came that we might be forgiven. He came that we could have everlasting life. He came so our sins would be forgiven. He came to physically show how much God loved us. The price was steep. The pain was real.  His purpose complete.  Not condemnation but liberty. Not accusations but acceptance.  Not death but life. We are saved for eternal life because of Jesus. God loved us so much that He sent His Son. His Son loved us so much that He came. Are we able to love so that we can accept? Accept Him? Accept others because of His love for them?  God sent a Savior because we need saving. Praying this day we accept this eternal gift and share it with others.

Categories: Inspirational


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