Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is truly plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."

So many are lost in this day and time. There are so many philosophies and doctrines, people get bogged down. They are unsure of what their beliefs and values should be. So many believers think the responsibility of sharing the gospel is solely the minister’s, pastor’s or priest’s. We forget Jesus has commissioned each of us to share what God has done. So many around us are ready to hear and accept the news of their salvation has been secured. Yet, we become more concerned of what they will think if we share. Our egos and pride get in the way. We’re concerned they may think we don’t have it together or can’t handle things on our own. Guess what? We don’t have it together and we can’t handle things on our own. We need God. We need Him and He’s always here for us. Others need Him and we need to let them know He’s here for them. Sharing Jesus is a labor of love. Laborers are needed in every walk of life. Our families and friends are searching for the way. Searching for a way to put one foot in front of the other each day. Searching for a peace that passes mere human understanding. Searching for meaning and value. Searching for a Savior to save them. The harvest is plentiful. Praying this day we become laborers for the lost.

Categories: Inspirational


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