Mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you.

This is a wonderful opening of a letter Jude sent to those he cared for dearly.  Mercy, peace and love is so needed in our lives today. We are surrounded with trials and fears. Our society craves peace, but we fear it won’t come. There seems to be more hate in the world than love. Mercy feels nonexistent.   Jude forwarded this letter to the believers who were facing difficulties.  They were surrounded by false teachers leading them astray. Jude was reminding them who they were and whose they were. We  need reminding today.  We need to reach out to each other, lifting each other with ongoing encouragement and hope. We need to set the example of extending mercy, seeking peace and loving others. Praying this day our lives are letters multiplying mercy, peace and love to those we meet.

Categories: Inspirational


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