When I fall, I will rise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me.

God is able to pick us up and let us shine again. We all stumble. We all lose our way. Sometimes we sit and not want to take another step.  Sometimes it may be out of fear that we will fall again. Sometimes it’s out of fear of the unknown we may face. On our own we often stumble in darkness, unable to see our next step. Jesus reminds us often He is the Way, the Truth and the Light. Isn’t that what we’re all searching for? The way we should go, the truth we should know and the light to see so we don’t fall in the darkness. It’s Him. He is the Light that shines in our darkness. He is the strength in our rising from our falls. Praying this day we rise and walk in the light with the Light shining from heaven.

Categories: Inspirational


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