A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body, jealousy is like cancer in the bones.

Jealousy is a disease that eats away at the heart. Wanting something or someone that others have can destroy our spirit. We become judgmental. We question why do they get to have and we don’t. We take our eyes off of what we have and become so bitter. It begins to “eat away” at us. Cancer begins in one cell, then engulfs another and then another. Jealousy is the same. It may enter as a thought, then another and then another until it consumes us. We’re angry, anxious and then consumed of why we can’t have whatever or whoever.  A peaceful heart recognizes one’s own blessings. The peaceful heart is abased in all things Paul tells us. Happiness isn’t found in what we have but who we have in Christ.  When we know what we have through Christ our spirit heals. Praying this day we overcome our jealous tendencies and focus on Who we have and not what we don’t have. 

Categories: Inspirational


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