Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way, the Lord be with you all.

This is the prayer of Paul for the church of Thessalonia.  His prayer was Christ would give peace always in every way. This wasn’t the peace merely absent of war, but a peace in their souls. Peace that cannot be understood but is so welcomed. That deep peace that comes from knowing we are never alone no matter what difficult circumstances surround us. A peace that provides confidence that we will weather the storms of life. It’s the peace of the Savior that calms us, quiets our fears and gives us hope. Paul knew the need of the Thessalonians. Jesus knows our need. Today we find ourselves in a world filled with so many unknowns. Each day seems to bring additional concerns. So many uncertainties surround us. We need peace deep in our souls. Jesus offers that peace. His word reminds us we will not be left as orphans, He is our Father. Angels are sent to protect each step we take. He uplifts us with His mighty right hand. His Holy Spirit prays intercession on our behalf. We are never alone. He is always with us. Praying this day we thank God for His soul calming peace given always, in every way.

Categories: Inspirational


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