Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.

I feel it’s safe to say each of us have had our heart broken at one time or another. It may have been over a lost love, wayward children, the death of a loved one or the betrayal of a friend. Hearts are fragile. Guarding our heart is no easy task. We become involved with others. We form numerous relationships. We put ourselves out there in the world. How does one guard their heart? You could become a hermit and not extend your heart or self to anyone. That would protect you from hurt and disappointment but what a shallow and sad life you would live. The better way is to give your heart to Jesus and allow Him to help guard your heart. He knows your heart determines the course you take in life. He’s willing to help set your heart in a safe place, in His hands. When we lose heart He’s there to pick up the pieces. When we have followed our hearts and have taken the wrong course He’s always there to guide us back to the right path. Guarding our heart is much easier when we have God’s help. Praying this day we will let God become Guardian of our hearts.

Categories: Inspirational


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