To the Lord our God belong mercy and forgiveness, though we have rebelled against Him.

God continues to love us in spite of our rebellion. He continues to forgive and extend His love and mercy. Our rebellion may not be outrageous but so miniscule in our eyes we don’t consider it rebelling. Not praying–we rationalize God knows how busy we are. Not studying His word–He knows how difficult the King James version is.  Not caring about others–He knows how others treat us. Not going to His house to worship–God knows Sunday is the only day we can sleep in. Rationalization is a rebellion in disguise. It makes us feel better, but it’s still rebellion.  In spite of this God’s mercy remains. His forgiveness is still ours. Why? Because His Son died that mercy and forgiveness would be ours for the asking. God loves us that much. Praying this day we become less rebellious and more thankful for God’s mercy and forgiveness.

Categories: Inspirational


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