So Jonathan became mighty because he prepared his ways before the Lord his God.

How does one prepare his ways before God?  Jonathan provides a good example. He sought God to help him in the situations he faced.  When he faced enemies he asked for God’s strength.  When he was uncertain he asked for God’s direction. When he was fearful he asked for God’s courage. He turned everything over to God. He prepared by allowing God to guide and direct. He became mighty not of his own might but because of God’s might. We may not be fighting thousands of troops but we do have our own battles.  We have our daily struggles.  We have enemies. We have fears. We have uncertainty. Like Jonathan we can allow God to guide and direct. His way is perfect. His word promises He shall go before us, He shall be our rear guard and His angels are sent to protect us. Praying this day we prepare our ways before our God.

Categories: Inspirational


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