For a good tree does not bear bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit.

Jesus is talking not only about actions, but also about motives.  The results of an individual’s life and work are better indicators of personal motives rather than appearances.  There are those who seem to be doing good but for the wrong reasons. If one looks closely you can see their motives are for personal gain.  Truly good people do good for the good of others.  For some it may take us a  bit of time to determine the fruit produced. But the actions will bear the truth of the intention.  We may be fooled initially but eventually the fruit will become spoiled. The purpose of this verse is really for us. What type of fruit do we bear? Are we doing good or merely appearing to do good? Praying this day our intentions and actions bring good fruitful harvests for all those concerned.

Categories: Inspirational


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