See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all.

God’s word reminds us ‘revenge belongs to the Lord,’  but if we’re totally honest we would, on occasion, like to handle it ourselves. We’re human and want those that hurt us to hurt as bad as we do. It’s not essy to pursue good when our hearts are broken.  As I’ve become older I’ve seen time and time again people actually reap what they sow.  It may not happen immediately but it happens. Evil returns evil. Goodness returns goodness. Believe me there are still times I want vigilante justice but now know better. Pursuing good isn’t always easy for us especially when we or someone we love has been hurt.  Yet, that is what we are called to do. I find I can’t do it on my own. I need God. I need His strength.  It takes lots of prayers before the plans of revenge can be let go. I have learned to trust God to even things out. I also have to remember I,  too, will reap what I sow. That changes my mindset considerably.  Praying this day we pursue good over revenge for our own sake.

Categories: Inspirational


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