How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them!

Have you ever stopped to realize God thinks about you? He has all of creation to be concerned and worried about but you are on His mind. His word tells us He sings over you. Your worries are before Him. Your dreams delight Him. Your fears concern Him. Your pain touches Him. Your teardrops are caught by Him.  Your joy causes Him to smile.   Every prayer comes before Him. You are constantly on His mind. We are unable to imagine His love for us. Do you remember the emotions that flooded you when you first fell in love?  You wanted to be with that love every minute. When you were apart you wanted to talk to them about everything. You wanted to share everything, every thought and every hope and every dream. You truly ached when you weren’t together.  Multiply that feeling by a million and still that would not be enough to explain how much God loves and cares for you. How precious are God’s thoughts to you!  Praying this day we realize God loves us beyond our understanding.

Categories: Inspirational


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