Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God's.

Through the years this has become a favorite verse of mine. However, I must admit many times I’ve had difficulty in relinquishing the battles I’ve faced. We often think we can handle situations in our own strentgh and knowledge. We often find out we can’t.  It’s comforting to know and trust God wants to take our battles from us. We don’t have to face our battles alone. The battle of loneliness–He wins. The battle of addictions–He wins. The battle of loss–He wins. The battle of fear–He wins. The battle of pain–He wins. The battle of sin–He wins. The battle of eternity–He wins. We serve a victorious God. Through Him we are victors and no longer victims. Praying this day we step aside and allow God to go to battle for us.

Categories: Inspirational


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