The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.

We’ve all heard this verse many times. I think most of us like to dwell on the latter part that talks about the good abundant life. I feel it’s important to really focus.understand and prepare for the first part.  I think we take for granted what the enemy is up to many times. He likes to build a foundation of impending destruction.  We are in a spiritual battle. The enemy begins methodically. He steals our dreams and hopes. He strives to kill our joy. Then tries to destroy our faith. He encourages with the same lies he first spoke in the garden. He tells us we can be like God. We are independent and don’t need anyone but ourselves. Happiness comes in things. He continues to dangle that proverbial apple in front of us. He wants us to believe drugs, alcohol and other behaviors will bring happiness. Our addictions might not be as deadly. Cell phones, cars, sports or jobs may become our idols. Relationships  may destroy our relationship with God. The enemy is crafty. He slowly sets the trap. He talks about life but is taking life from us. Jesus comes to set the record straight.  Life comes from Him. Abundant, eternal life is ours because of His love for us. Praying this day we are diligent in watching for the enemy’s subtle robbery in our lives.

Categories: Inspirational


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