We went through the fire and through the water; but You brought us out to rich fulfillment.

Everyday we face obstacles. Challenges surround us. Some days it seems as trouble arrives as soon as our feet touch the floor and chases us until we climb back into bed.  We spend the day drowning in problems putting out fires everywhere we turn. God brings us out and through. His strength rises. I challenge you to think about some of the difficulties you’ve faced and overcome. At the time you weren’t sure you’d survive the situation but you did.  The fulfillment of God’s promise that we are never alone is proven time and time again in our lives. Even at our very lowest He provides hope and strength for the next step. He never leaves us. He never forsakes us. He is here. He tells us plainly in this world we will have trouble but reminds us He has overcome the world. We, too, because of His love for us are strong overcomers. Praying this day we rely on Him to bring us through the fires of our daily lives.

Categories: Inspirational


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