"And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice."

There are three distinct revelations within this verse. 

1. He goes before them. The shepherd leads and makes a way. The sheep have a guide.

2. The sheep follow him. The sheep trust the shepherd. They know the shepherd. They know he has their interest at heart.

3. They know his voice. Out of all others and the noise that surrounds them, they know his voice. They have heard him. They know the soft tones of his voice. They know the love in his voice. They know the commands of his voice.

The verse paints the perfect picture of us and God.  God goes before us. No matters where we are or where we go God, the Good Shepherd, is there. We can follow Him in perfect trust. He always has our best interest at heart. As we spend time with Christ we come to know His voice. We can discern His voice from not only the enemy’s voice but also our own self serving voice. The Holy Spirit will speak directly into our hearts and we will know His voice. Praying this day as God goes before us we would choose to follow Him and know His voice.

Categories: Inspirational


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