Let us search out and examine our ways, and turn back to the Lord; let us lift our hearts and hands to God in heaven.

Not only should this directive be for ourselves, but also for our country. The ways of evil surround our nation. The church has stood by in silence for too long. It is time to turn back to the truths established by our God. It’s not enough to lift our hands, but it is time to lift our hearts of stone and allow God to replace it with one of flesh. One that cares for people. One that cares for the lost. It is time that we as a nation examine what we’ve become. It is time to find the way that provides peace, salvation and justice for our nation, for all people.  It is time for we as believers to examine our beliefs. Political correctness will not save us. Legalizing sin will not absolve us.  It is time to search our hearts. It is time to turn back, repent and provide hope for a dying world. Praying this day our hands and hearts reach out and up to our Savior.

Categories: Inspirational


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