Then He answered and spoke to those who stood before Him, saying, "Take away the filthy garments from him." And to him He said, "See, I have removed your iniquities from you, and I will clothe you with rich robes."

Once you’ve worked all day cleaning or working in the yard you can’t wait to get a shower and put on clean clothes. You just feel better. Our sins and iniquities are worse than a week’s worth of grime and sweat.  We can’t get clean no matter how hard we try on our own. God has made a way for our dirt, grime and filth to be cleaned. The blood of Christ is powerful. Because of the cleansing, we can exchange dirty filthy rags for a clean, spotless robe provided by Jesus Himself.  Rich robes provided by the King of kings. As heirs, we step into His Presence and riches.  The questions before us are, “Do you want to be adopted?”  Do you want to receive what your Heavenly Father has set aside for you? Are you tired of the worn, torn, filthy garments you’ve been wearing? Are you ready for the Living Water to cleanse you?”  These are questions only you can answer. Your robe is ready. Are you ready to change clothes? Praying this day we remove the worn clothing of sin and step into the fresh clean robe of His sweet righteousness.

Categories: Inspirational


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