And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins.

We are given an opportunity to leave our sins, our mortal ways and become new in Jesus. Our sins can be removed. Eternal death can be revived into life with Christ.  There is a way back into God’s sweet Presence.  He has made a way. There is the opportunity for a fresh start. We often think we aren’t strong enough to start over or change our paths. We’re right, alone we don’t have the strength. God made a way for us by giving His Holy Spirit to live within us to provide the strength we need to begin new lives in Him. He knew our sins. We have not surprised Him in the least. He knew we needed help, needed saving, and needed Him. He sent Jesus to redeem and reclaim us. It’s the perfect plan. We just need to reach out and accept His help. Praying this day we become alive in Him.

Categories: Inspirational


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