The Lord will stand with you and give you strength.

We all need someone in our corner. Someone who knows where we’ve been. Someone who knows what we’ve gone through. Someone who knows what we need to go on. We’ve suffered loss. We’ve felt pain. Our frustration overcomes us at times. We wonder if we can go on. We feel helpless, forgotten, discouraged and lost. Through all of this we are not alone. God stands by our side. He holds us up for the next step. He guards our path. His mighty arm clears the way. We can lean on Him. He knows where we’ve been,  what we have endured and every fear that grips us—He knows it all. He will not forsake us or leave us. He is able to carry us through. Through it all. Always. Praying this day we accept God’s ever present strength as He stands by our side.

Categories: Inspirational


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