I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word.

Jesus prays for those who believe in Him.  He intercedes for us before God the Father.  God, the Son, prays to God the Father in heaven.  God, the Holy Spirit, prays for us here on earth where we are.  We are lifted in prayer on earth and in heaven. God is praying for you and me.  Why should we fear? Their prayer isn’t for things or circumstances like we pray, but for belief in the sacrifice of Jesus’ love on the cross. Prayers for repentance so that redemption might be provided. Prayers that we would come to love one another as Christ loves. Prayers that we would forgive as He does. Prayers that we would serve as He served.  Prayers for courage, boldness, strength and opportunities to share His love and His word to a lost and dying world.  Father, Son and Holy Spirit have us in their hearts and prayers.  Praying this day we feel the power of their prayers as we face the challenges before us.

Categories: Inspirational


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