"Today, if you will hear His voice. Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion."

It took forty years for the Israelites to reach the promise land just because they wouldn’t listen.  Are you on a forty year journey?  Has God told you something and you’re acting as if you can’t hear?  Is doubt keeping you from the promise God gave you?  Is the dream He placed in your heart years ago fading?  It’s so easy for us to rationalize why we can’t do something.  The time’s not right.  I have to finish this project.  I need this and that to happen first. I’m not sure it’s really God telling me this.  And the excuses go on and on.  Out of two million promised to reach the land of milk and honey, only two stepped into the promise.  Only two listened and believed.  The promise was fulfilled for them. God’s plan will always come into being. If it’s not you, He will give the promise to another who is willing to have a heart for shaping. Hard hearts rarely survive. Ask any cardiologist. Praying this day we do not harden our hearts, but we open our ears and overcome our rebellious tendencies.

Categories: Inspirational


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