Lord, all my desire is before You; and my sighing is not hidden from You.

Our hopes and fears are known to God.  He knows our deepest thoughts. He delights in our joys. Our sighing is not hidden. He hears those prayers covered in tears. The prayers of parents lifting a prodigal son or daughter are heard. Those prayers of despair over a lost job reach God’s ears. That cry for a sick child reaches the heavens. Our fears, worries and troubles are not hidden or go unnoticed by our Heavenly Father. Not one single prayer is ever wasted. Not one word is ever ignored. The prayer filled with anger do not upset Him. Every prayer touches the heart of God.  Nothing is hidden. He knows our deepest sin and still loves us. Nothing separates His desire to save us. God’s eyes are wide open in His relationship with us. Nothing surprises Him. He still loves us.  His desire is for us to want Him. He does not hide that from us. Praying this day we do not hide from His love or His Presence.

Categories: Inspirational


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