As cold water to a weary soul, so is good news from a far country.

In the heat of summer we can appreciate a glass of cold water. It rerfreshes our parched throats. Good news refreshes our parched soul. All of us could use some good news in the midst of all that is going on around us. We tire easily of the statistics informing us of all that’s wrong in our world.  Oh, for a tall glass of good news!  What kind of news do you bring? Are you the bearer of gloom and doom? Is negativity your platform? You might be the only person people have contact with and your words will either bring them low or lift them up. When we understand we are a vessel and it’s our choice what we pour out we realize our responsibilities as God’s people.  We are that far away country. We are that cold water. We are needed to satisfy thirsty souls. God has filled us with living water to share the good news of His Son’s grace. Look around, there are weary souls in your midst.  Be the good news today. Praying this day we are able to satisfy the thirst of a parched soul.

Categories: Inspirational


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