Shall the clay say to him who forms it, "What are you making?"

The potter and the clay is an illustration of God and ourselves. Pottery begins as wet, unformed mud. Without the potter it remains useless. But in the potter’s hand it’s use and beauty unfold. The clay on a potter’s wheel is touched, molded and lifted by skillful hands. Each finger of the potter forms intricate patterns and curves into a desired piece. But even then it isn’t finished. The piece has to endure firing to strengthen for endurance and perfect use.  We are God’s clay and before being touched by His hands we are useless. He knows the finished design He desires to create. His touch creates and forms us into the vessel He needs. Like the clay, should there be flaws, He can begin again and remold us. Also, like the clay we must go through firing to become strong and useful. But through every process the potter never leaves the clay. Through every process of life God never leaves us. We may begin as unformed mud but each has a beautiful useful finished purpose within.  Praying this day we allow the Potter to form us without question.

Categories: Inspirational


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