But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife

I have been involved over the course of my lifetime in some real foolish arguments. Some were past foolish and just plain stupid. Confession is good for the soul. The older I have become  I find myself choosing my battles instead focusing on winning the war. More and more I find myself realizing some of them are not worth the effort or strife.  It takes more courage at times to remain quiet and walk away from petty senseless issues. Is it going to make a difference in eternity whether or not that milk carton was left in the fridge with 2 drops  just so it couldn’t be deemed empty? Is that dirty towel left on the floor going to keep you off the streets of gold?  Will those crayon marks on the wall lose your salvation?  This verse doesn’t say not to fight or argue for those principles of importance or substance.  It warns us to avoid the foolish and ignorant disputes. As Christians we are to fight for what is right, what is just, what is holy and what is pure. Those things matter to God.  In those matters His strength will sustain us.  Praying this day we are given His wisdom for choosing our battles.

Categories: Inspirational


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