He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength.

Are you tired? Are you weary? Do you feel the weight of the world  on your shoulders? God is ready to carry your load. He wants to provide you strength for the battle you’re fighting. When you feel as if you cannot take one more step He will guide you. He may be calling you to wait before that next step. He may be calling you to rest in His Presence before going on. He wants to strengthen you for the spiritual battles you face. We cannot do it on our own. When we try on our own our strength dissolves quickly. When we wait on God, He builds us up for the exact moment we need muscle. He provides that second wind of endurance. He clears the path for the ease of our journey. We may be down but we are not out. Those that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength.  Praying this day we spend time with God for restoration,  rejuvenation and refueling of our strength in Him.

Categories: Inspirational


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