When I am overwhelmed You alone know the way I should turn.

So many times we have so much going on that we don’t know which way to turn. So many people depend on us. We feel we don’t have a minute to ourselves. We awake tired. We remain tired. We are overwhelmed.  God alone truly knows us. He knows the number of hairs on our head. He knows every cell in our body. He knows every thought. He knows how weary we are. He knows our sense of hopelessness and frustration. He knows the way we should turn. His direction for us is simple. He desires us to turn to Him.  He wants to provide rest, peace, clarity and comfort. He’s ready to shed light on the dark paths we find ourselves lost. It’s up to us to turn.  We have to make the decision. Sometimes, most times we choose not to turn, but to remain in the known chaos finding strange comfort in difficult situations.  Turning takes trust and faith. God knows the turn we should make. He knows every path. He has prepared the path for us. He’s whispering,  “turn here.” Praying this day we hear His sweet voice and turn to Him.

Categories: Inspirational


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