So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.

It was pointed out to me once during childhood that God gives us two ears and only one mouth. In other words, I was to listen more than talk. If we actually did this arguements and anger might be less forthcoming.  Wrath seems easily achieved in this day and time. Let someone driving slow pull out in front of you. Rage. Little frustrations accelerate. Anger.  Mistakes, misunderstandings and disappointments fuel our fire. We can blow up quicker than geysers in Yellowstone.  Our levels of tolerance is so low with each other that strife and bitterness have become the norm. Where are the meek and humble of the earth?  Where are the sweet spirits of God’s people? Where are the compassionate and understanding believers?  We should be setting the examples. Like Paul,  I confess I may be the chief disappointment in these areas. It is definitely time for me to return to the knowledge of truth—two ears and one mouth. Anger hurts the one who is angry more so than the target of anger.  Praying this day we listen more, talk less and seek God in times of  wrath to produce righteousness.

Categories: Inspirational


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