Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth, shall you not know it?

We are definitely ready for a new thing. We would love to forget all the pain and frustrations. We would love to forget the fears and uncertainties of the day. We need a refreshing new spirit in our lives. The question is, “shall we know it?”  Will we recognize the new directions? Will we see the new possibilities before us? Are we positioned to grasp the new blessings before us? Shall we know it?  We won’t if we’re focused on the past. If we continue to relive the mistakes and misfortunes of yesterday we will miss the opportunities offered today. Each day is a new beginning. We may have failed miserably yesterday. Today we have the chance to move forward. The chance to succeed. The chance to embrace newly offered gifts from God. God’s blessings are springing forward. Not creeping slowly, not sputtering but springing. God is purposeful.  He is deliberate. He is generous.  Praying this day we behold today with great expectations and let the past be the past.

Categories: Inspirational


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