For I will pour water on him who is thirsty, and floods on dry ground; I will pour My Spirit on your descendants and My blessing on your offspring.

Aren’t we thirsty for new beginnings? Doesn’t it seem this year has been parched with dry emptiness? There seems to be more curses than blessings. More unrest than peace. More sorrow than joy. God promises the floods are coming.  He will overcome our thirst with His living water. His Holy Spirit is present and prepared to drench us in blessing. This promise is ours. The promise is ongoing and generational.  We are descendants of the saints before us. We are offspring of God’s family. The blessings are ours to claim.  His Holy Spirit is given to us. Our thirst will be quenched. Our dry ground will flourish with new springs of hope and renewal.  We must admit our thirst and the pouring will begin.  Praying this day we declare our thirst for the Living Water of heaven’s eternal well.

Categories: Inspirational


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