If you need wisdom, ask our generous God and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.

We could all use a little wisdom in this day and time. We face decisions daily. Some are minor while others will guide the course of our lives.  We are blessed the Creator of everything will grant wisdom when we ask. He doesn’t get frustrated by our asking. He doesn’t punish us for asking. Why wouldn’t we ask?  God knows all things. He knows things before they become things. He knows us. Our dreams, our short comings,  even our sins. He desires that we ask for wisdom. Our trouble may be that we don’t have issues with asking for His wisdom, but rather we choose not to listen to His wisdom. He places a plan or path before us, but we think we know better.  I’m not sure if it’s our pride or vanity that overcomes us as we decide we know what’s best for us.  How many times growing up have we looked back and thought “if only I had listened to Mom or Dad about that?”  How many times have we looked back and thought ” if only I had followed God’s way about that?”  God doesn’t rebuke us even when we ignore His wisdom. He places another path for us to get back on track. That’s love. That’s redemption.  That’s forgiveness.  Praying this day we not only ask God for wisdom, but that wisdom guides our decision to accept His wisdom.

Categories: Inspirational


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